•Wednesday, February 14: SINGING VALENTINES! All funds will go to support the Spirit of St. Louis Barbershop Chorus. Get details on how we can deliver a special singing Valentine to your sweetheart on the chorus website. (www.stl1.org)
•Saturday, April 13: Friendship Village Assisted Living "The Fountains." 2:30pm. Residents only.
•Saturday, April 20: Turkey Hill Grange 150th Anniversary. (Next to Eckert's in Illinois)12:30pm. Free. Open to the public.
•Friday, April 26: Aberdeen Heights Independent Living. Kirkwood, MO. 7:15pm. Residents & guests only.
•Saturday, May 4:"Pre-Mother's Day Flower Bouquet. 11:00am - 3:00pm. All shops are open. We will sing in and out of the stores!
•Saturday, May 11: With the Spirit of St. Louis Chorus: "Summer Harmony Show” at the Desoto Knights Hall, 7:00pm.
•Sunday, May 26: Bethesda Gardens, Kirkwood, MO. 2:00pm. Residents and guests only.
•Monday, May 27: MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE. Cemetery in Desoto, MO. 10:00am. Open to the public.
•Thursday, June 13: Friendship Village, Main Ballroom Theater 7:00pm. Residents and guests only.
•Tuesday, June 18: With the Spirit of St. Louis Chorus:The MUNY in Forest Park. 7:00pm - 7:45pm. Must have a ticket to "Les Miserables" for that night at the MUNY. Each year, we are invited to Broadway and other great songs before one of the summer productions.
•Tuesday, June 25: Private performance. LaDeDa Agency. 7:00pm.
•Wednesday, June 26: Pine Valley Assisted Living. Arnold, MO 1:30pm. Residents and guests only.
•Friday, Saturday, Sunday, July 12, 13, 14: "The Music Man" at St. Gabriel's Theater, Nottingham Ave, St. Louis. Dan ONLY will sing with a quartet in these shows. Great fun! 7:30pm & 2:00pm on Sunday.
•Wednesday, July 24: Knights of Columbus Hall, Hillsboro MO, Old Hwy 21. 12:30pm. Members and guests.
•Thursday, July 25: The St. Louis County Catholic Singles Club. St. Catherine Laboure, Lindbergh Blvd. 7:00pm. Members only.
• Saturday, August 10: "Bon Voyage to Jordan." Our friend is moving to Paris. Private event.
•Tuesday, August 20: "Summer Fun Concert" with The Spirit of St. Louis Chorus. Our Lady of Life Senior Living. Shrewsbury. Private event for residents and guests.
• Thursday, September 19: "Happy 90th Birthday to Glenn". Our friend's special day. PRIVATE EVENT. Crystal City, MO.
• Saturday, September 21: "Desoto Street Fall Festival". With the Spirit of St. Louis Chorus. Open to the public. Rivertown: 1:00pm - 4:00pm.
• Sunday, September 20: "Fall Fun Songs". Bethesda Gardens. Kirkwood, MO. Open to residents and guests only. 5:00pm.
•Saturday, in Aug or Sept: Barbershop "Area Festival" of all quartets and choruses. St. Charles Presbyterian Church. 1:00pm - 4:00pm. Open to the public. $5.00 donation. DATE TO BE CONFIRMED.
• Saturday, November 2: "Fall Street Festival!" Ste. Genevieve, MO. 12:00 - 3:00pm. Open to everyone! Rivertown Sound will be visiting all the stores downtown singing great old songs!
• Saturday, November 9: "Kaskaskia Trail Barbershop Chorus Show". We are honored to appear on their annual show this year. We will open for the International Bronze Medal Champion quartet, The NewFangled Four. Open to the public. Turner Hall, Columbia, Illinois. 7:00pm.
•Saturday, Nov 23: Kimmswick, CHRISTMAS SEASON BEGINS, 11:00am – 8:00pm. (Parade will be at 11:00am) Open to the public! This is a spectacular event with all the century old shops open for visitors. Get some shopping done early - and listen to the quartet sing Christmas songs to open the season.
•Saturday, Dec 7: With the Spirit of St. Louis Chorus: CHRISTMAS Show – at Dunclin High School Theater in Herculaneum. NOTE: Jefferson College has renovations so we must move our annual show for this year only. 2:00pm TICKETS: At the door, $15.00
•Saturday, Dec 7: Kimmswick, CHRISTMAS “COOKIE WALK 5:00pm – 9:00pm. Check out the hundred year old shops and listen to the quartet sing Christmas songs. Free. DATE TO BE CONFIRMED.
•Sunday, Dec 8: Kimmswick, CHRISTMAS “COOKIE WALK 12:00am – 3:00pm. Have lunch in one of the four restaurants - and listen to the quartet sing Christmas songs the way they were done a hundred years ago in the town. Free. DATE TO BE CONFIRMED.
•Wednesday, Dec 11: Geyer Baptist Church - Andre’s in Sunset Hills c. 7:00pm, Private event. DATE TO BE CONFIRMED.
•Saturday, Dec :14 Kimmswick, "Elf on the Shelf". Play the game of looking for the elf - while listening to the quartet sing Christmas songs the way they were done a hundred years ago in the town. 12:00 - 3:00pm. Free. DATE TO BE CONFIRMED.
•Sunday, Dec 15: Kimmswick, "Elf on the Shelf". Play the game of looking for the Elf - while listening to the quartet sing Christmas songs. 12:00 - 3:00pm. Free. DATE TO BE CONFIRMED.
•Tuesday, Dec 17: Our Lady of Life, Shrewsbury, MO. With the Spirit of St. Louis Chorus. 7:00pm. Open to residents and their guests.
•Saturday, Dec 21: Kimmswick. “Elf on the Shelf”. Play the game of looking for the Elf - while listening to the quartet sing Christmas songs. 12:00 - 3:00pm. Free. DATE TO BE CONFIRMED.
•Sunday, Dec. 22: Kimmswick. "Elf on the Shelf." Play the game of looking for the Elf - while listening to the quartet sing Christmas songs. 12:00 - 3:00pm. Free. DATE TO BE CONFIRMED.